QR will review any business processes and functional requirements with the Agency for each piece of the project including; data conversion, configuration, interfaces, etc. Documentation outlining all requirements of each functional piece will be provided to the Agency for approval based on this review.
It is this documentation that is the basis for QR’s Test Plan. With the discovery of the requirements, this documentation now becomes the wanted results for any deliverable. QR engages in three distinct levels of testing: unit, system, and, final.
Initially, unit in-house testing will occur based on the documentation previously created. Each item outlined in the requirements document will be tested and verified. For some systems, QR may require that external systems and/or databases be available for testing.
After any necessary changes have been made, and all requirements have been met, testing will occur at the Agency. This will allow us to diagnose and fix any potential issues that may arise due to differences in network hardware, configuration, etc. QR will work in collaboration with client staff during testing, either on-site or remotely.
A final test will be conducted within the entire IPS system, to ensure compatibility with all of the different pieces.